Jun 19, 2018 | Uncategorized
Help us congratulate Rev. Jerry Rowley who has been appointed Director of Disaster Relief, the new ministry arm of the Hope Corps’ Working Committee. With the help of Hope Corps students and alumni, Bro. Rowley’s team has already began to aid and effect the...
Jun 19, 2018 | Uncategorized
Please join us in welcoming Pastor & Sis. Adams into their new leadership positions in Hope Corps! @pastoradams will fulfill the role as the new Director of Intensive Training as of September 2018, while his wife @christyjadams will be transitioning into her new...
Jun 19, 2018 | Uncategorized
Attention Hope Corps Students, Alumni, and Leadership, join us as we celebrate an incredible couple and their brilliant contribution to helping make Hope Corps what it has become today! Bro. and Sis. King have served faithfully in and behind the scenes from the start...