Hope Corps is a non-profit corporation dedicated to equipping Apostolics for lifelong involvement as a positive agent of change in communities around the world.
Hope Corps is where a person’s education, experience, and abilities can be harnessed and directed to areas in the kingdom where they may have an eternal impact and allow the individual to be personally involved at home in their local church as well as in significant, short term missions’ projects. Involving trustworthy saints in this type of work, with the approval and oversight of their pastor, will bless the kingdom of God locally and globally, bring a sense of fulfillment to the individual, and create a more Kingdom-minded congregation.
Hope Corps is a means of advancing the kingdom of God through involving Apostolic young people, singles, couples and retirees in meaningful kingdom building activities globally
- Four online courses provided through Wilson University. This is a university level non-degree program called Apostolic Foundations. It consists of 12 university credits that may apply towards an AA or BS degree when continuing education at Wilson University.
- Intensive Training Week – seven days, or more, of intensive training and practical experience on location. Intensive Training Week is tough, intense, spiritual, practical.
- Graduation – Hope Corps Student is now officially Hope Corps Alumni
- Lifetime of service – There are many options for the Hope Corps Alumni to serve in the Kingdom. The Hope Corps Alumni are offered suggestions for service through monthly newsletters and periodically through planned trips and projects offered by Hope Corps.
The pastor’s participation in Hope Corps is absolutely essential. The pastor must give his approval and recommendation before any applicant will be considered. The pastor must also remain in contact with the applicant throughout the training process. Accountability of the Hope Corps individual is to their own pastor. The pastor must be in weekly contact with those from their church who serve overseas in Hope Corps.
The Apostolic church has a ready force of lay people who are willing and able to fight the good fight and earnestly contend for the faith that was once delivered to the saints. They have been empowered by the Holy Ghost. Hope Corps equips them and enables them to serve with power and understanding in the kingdom of God.