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21 reasons to join hope corps in 21

There are thousands of reasons to join the blue… what’s yours?

As you consider your reason for joining the army of blue, here are 21 other reasons from some of our Hope Corps Alumni. These testimonies represent a cross section of students who came back home following their ITW to be rock solid saints, business owners, teachers, leaders, ministers, evangelists and pastors in their respective churches and communities. We can’t wait to see what reason God has given you!

Reason 1: To tap into my destiny.

Life is full of choices. Some choices have no reason, explanation, or purpose in mind; but, there are other choices that bring purpose and destiny. Hope Corps isn’t your destiny, but Hope Corps teaches, equips, prepares, ignites and can even restore dead dreams that ARE your destiny. What’s your reason? – Abram Conder, PI 2019

Reason 2: To become better.

I began Hope Corps because I wanted to be better. A better soul winner, a better Apostolic, better prayer warrior, and a better tool in the Kings hand. I also loved the sense of family I saw in the ITW groups and am so thankful that I was able to experience that with Hope Corps family. What’s your reason? – Katie Cole, Roátan A 2021

Reason 3: To catch God's vision.

The reason I joined Hope Corps was to tap into the vision that God has for His Church, and for me individually. Hope Corps quickly became an equipping agent in my life. It equipped me with vision, and it equipped me with the tools necessary to reap the harvest. What’s your reason? – Ben Rodriguez, Norway 2018

Reason 4: To grow my relationship with God.

The reason I joined Hope Corps was to further my relationship with God, and go deeper than I ever had. I wanted to be a benefit to the kingdom of God, to be able to pray for people and give Bible studies wherever and whenever. Hope Corps gave me the confidence to do that. What’s your reason? – Cassie Bierman, Roátan A 2021

Reason 5: To get my Spiritual Footing.

The reason I joined Hope Corps was to better understand how I fit into God’s design. I remember the feeling of being spiritually confused. I had great aspirations in mind as to how I was going to impact the Kingdom of God, but I had no idea where to start. When I joined Hope Corps, everything came together. What’s your reason? – Michael Nix, Roátan B, 2018.

Reason 6: To grow in fundamental doctrines.

The reason I joined Hope Corps was to establish myself in the Apostolic Doctrine. At the time I was a newcomer to truth, and I knew that it was real, but I wanted to be able to stand up for what I believe. Hope Corps gave me the knowledge and tools to help me best reach my community. What’s your reason? – Matia Doherty, Roátan B 2016 

Reason 7: To stretch my faith to new limits.

The reason I joined Hope Corps was to reach spiritual heights that I had not yet encountered. And the truth is, I wasn’t sure if I was even capable. Hope Corps helped me discover a confidence in what God was doing in and through me, that I never knew before. What’s your reason? – Mike Scalf, PI 2018

Reason 8: To learn more about my calling.

The reason I joined Hope Corps was to find out more about my calling. I was unsure of joining Hope Corps at first but am glad I did! It was a daily reminder to dig deeper, do more, and help others. Hope Corps will change your world in the best way. What’s your reason? – Cheyanne Crosby

Reason 9: To grow into a Leader.

The reason we joined Hope Corps was to become better leaders. Bro. Andrew Bentley said something that forever marked us, “God isn’t looking for ability, He’s looking for availability.” My wife and I went home, started a Bus Ministry with Outreach, began helping other Churches with Outreach in their cities, and now God has opened the doors to start an Apostolic Church in Bradenton Fl. – The Parkers, Manhattan A 2015

Reason 10: To enlarge my perception of God's Kingdom.

The reason I joined Hope Corps was to enlarge my perspective of the kingdom of God. Hope Corps was an amazing chance to dig deeper in every aspect of my walk with God from doctrine to my purpose. It enlarged my worldview of the Church and our calling! A sweet blue family was a great bonus! What’s your reason? – Ember Risley, Manhattan A 2015

Reason 11: To go deeper.

The reason I joined Hope Corps was because I really wanted to go deeper in my relationship with God. Hope Corps really helped me see how big the Kingdom is, as well as make some of the greatest friends I have ever known! What’s your reason? – Jessica Scalf

Reason 12: To bring truth beyond our borders.

The reason I joined Hope Corps was to learn how to better reach my world. Hope Corps helped me learn more about my Bible… not only in my studies but in what it takes to win souls worldwide. Our gospel must go to every culture, and with the help of Hope Corps, it is empowering us to do exactly that. What’s your reason? – Jeff Hoffer, Manhattan 2018

Reason 13: To get that added push.

The reason I joined Hope Corps was to get that added push to really dig into God’s calling on my life. Hope Corps is the extra push we all need. Even if you think you don’t have the time, funds, etc. it’s ok… neither did I, but I went anyway. The return on investment is exponential! What’s your reason? – Marco Rosales

Reason 14: To move God's kingdom forward in my local church.

I joined Hope Corps to see how I could move forward God’s kingdom in my local church. As a young person, the possibilities are endless as to what you can do for the kingdom of God. What is your reason? – Brenden Bass

Reason 15: To have my own Experience.

I joined Hope Corps to have my own experience. I saw what Hope Corps had done in the life of others that had already been through the classes and ITW. People that I encountered post-HC were different then I had known them before. I wanted that to happen to me, and it did. What is your reason? – Myles Bass, Roátan B 2016

Reason 16: To become Intentional.

I joined Hope Corps to become intentional in my walk with God. At the time I had only been living for God for a few years and I knew that I wanted to grow and go deeper, but I also knew that it would take me going all in. Hope corps became the catalyst that helped me discover what it took to have a walk with God that was powerful. What is your reason? – Gilbert Ortiz, Manhattan A 2015

Reason 17: To go beyond myself.

I joined Hope Corps to push my limits. Hope Corps for me was something that would help me to go beyond myself. It equipped and empowered me with the tools necessary to reach the world around me. What is your reason? – Joey Doherty, Roátan A 2014

Reason 18: To serve my community and world.

I joined Hope Corps to become a better servant to those around me. When you experience life in another part of the world, you realize that we all have needs. Hope Corps is helping me meet those needs in our local church, community and beyond. What is your reason? – Ryan Geans

Reason 19: To get equipped!

I joined Hope Corps to get equipped! Simply put, Hope Corps is a catalyst for the will of God in one’s life! It was there my Godly aspirations were cultivated through apostolic teaching and application, thus, equipping me with unparalleled tools to utilize in my local assembly. My Christian life has been enhanced by this incredible program! Don’t wait, join today!What is your reason? – Malachi Brewer

Reason 20: To learn more.

I joined Hope Corps to learn more about God and His Word. The experience that Hope Corps gave me will never be forgotten, it has changed me inside and out. What is your reason? – Paige Lee

Reason 21... Now it's your turn.

Hope Corps